Parish Calendar:

St. Margaret's Church
Regular Mass Schedule


o MASS Sun 7:30AM | 11:00AM

o MASS Sat 4:00PM (Sunday Vigil)

Sat 3:00PM - 3:30PM


Monday through Friday 8:00AM

After 8:00AM Mass (Mon - Fri)
At 7AM Before 7:30AM Mass (Sun)



St. Mary's Church
Regular Mass Schedule


o MASS Sunday 9:00AM



Events in September 2024

  • There are no events scheduled during these dates.

Tips and Hints
° If you wish to browse a specific category of events, select the category by clicking on it's button beneath the calendar.
° You may click on the (same) category button again to toggle between a view of that category and/or revealing the available categories.
° The All Categories button will not be available until you have engaged and highlighted a selection.
° Changing your selection from GRID to LIST or vice versa, or changing your selected month may help to clear your previous selection(s).