Saint Margaret of Scotland Parish
Mission Statement and
Weekend Mass Schedule

"We, the people of God, welcome all to experience the nourishment and healing spirit of Jesus Christ. Drawing life from the word of God and the sacraments, we are empowered to assist in meeting the spiritual and human needs of our families, our parish, and larger community. We proclaim the Kingdom of God with compassion, mercy and understanding."


Weekend Mass Schedule

 St. Margaret's Church
o MASS Sunday 7:30AM | 11:00AM
o MASS Saturday 4:00PM (Sunday Vigil)

St. Mary's Church
o MASS Sunday 9:00AM



Click HERE for Readings & Gospel
Click HERE for Parish Bulletins
Mass Intentions: Upcoming or Previous

December 21st

December 22nd


Prayer for
Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.


St. Andrew Christmas Novena

Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour vouchsafe, I beseech Thee, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my desires (mention request here) Through Jesus Christ and His most Blessed Mother. Amen


Monday December 23,
9-11AM & 4:30PM -6:30PM
St. Margaret’s of Scotland
Come at any time in the above times.


Tuesday, Dec. 24 & Wednesday, Dec. 25th
The intention for all masses will be for living
and deceased parishioners


Friday December 27 @7:00PM
(Please give cell Number or Email
to Fr George)



Tuesday, December 24th
4PM - St. Margaret Church
Midnight Mass - St. Mary Church

Wednesday, December 25th
9AM - St. Mary Church
11AM - St. Margaret Church


Grand Annual 2024 - Parish Appeal
Our “Grand Annual Parish Appeal” continues. We are so grateful to the many parishioners who have already shown their support of our parish! If you have not yet made your donation, there is still time to do so. Please drop off your card and donation at Mass, return it in the mail, or make a secure gift online (above) on this webpage. Every gift, no matter the size, will help us to continue the good works of our parish. If you need a card, please contact the office. Pledge above by clicking on our Grand Annual 2024 link. Let us pray for the success of this year’s campaign! You may also click HERE to view Fr. George's letter about our annual collection drive. Thank You!.


Welcome Father
Shiju (George) Chittattukara!

The parish community of St. Margaret’s and St. Mary’s welcomes Father George as our new Parish Administrator. Father comes to us from his previous assignment in Mount Dora, Florida. Please join us in welcoming him to our parish and take a moment to introduce yourself.

Click "Read More" (below) to view and read
Father George's Letter to our Parish.

Read More


An Overview for the
Month of December, 2024
(click HERE to enlarge)
The Holy Father's Intentions for the
Month of December, 2024
We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthen our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily
lives, and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope.
St. Joseph the Worker
Adoration Chapel



Adorers may go to the "St. Joseph the Worker Adoration Chapel" for their personal Adoration.

Now Open
Tuesday thru Saturday
10AM until 4PM

Click HERE for more about St. Joseph the Worker

St. Margaret Church, Buzzards Bay, MA
Sunday, October 10th at 11AM

(Click for latest live-stream & VoD Videos)

St. Mary Church, Onset, MA
Sunday, December 22nd at 9AM

(Click for latest live-stream & VoD Videos)
Click for Online Giving!
Grand Annual to date: $32,530.00
Thank You for your generous support!
St. Margaret Parish Center!!!!
143 Main Street, Buzzards Bay
Contact Phone: 774-247-4385
November Proceeds to the Parish $11,940.95


Welcome December 2024:
Advent and Christmas
- Fr. George C
In December we begin the season of Advent. The word ‘Advent’ is derived from the Latin word Adventus, which translates to ‘coming’, a time of joyful anticipation of the coming Christ in history over two thousand years ago; and at the end of time at the second coming which only God will determine. This month we also enter the season of Christmas when we with grateful hearts, remember that Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
Advent heralds the new liturgical year of the church. It is about time- the season before Christmas signifies a time of preparing ourselves to celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Christmas Day. Advent encourages us to slow down despite the pressures of the secular culture so that we can prayerfully and gratefully await the joyous Christmas celebration.
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HELP NEEDED for Christmas Flower Set-Ups
Monday December 23rd, 3PM at St. Mary’s
Tuesday December 24th, 9AM at St. Margaret’s

St. Margaret’s Parish GIVING TREE program has begun!

Christmas trees have been set up in both Churches and decorated with tags indicating the items needed.

Please feel free to take a tag from the tree and bring the gift back, (wrapped or unwrapped), with the tag attached to it. 


The 3 Ts: Time, Talent, and Treasure
A Call to Stewardship Spirituality

“Give and it will be given to you. A good measure,
pressed down, shaken together, running over,
will be put into your lap; for the measure you give
will be the measure you get back” Luke 6/38

Christ asks of us to do His works in our community and his Church. We need to rejuvenate ourselves through service. Reaching out with love to others, while sometimes difficult, is nonetheless spiritually enriching. It is a necessary part of Catholic life. It is the personal responsibility of each one of us as of the Church. All of us have been blessed with special talents and gifts from God, whether we are aware of them or not or whether we have developed our talents or not. These talents and gifts are not given to us just for our own use but are given to us for the enrichment of the lives of others in order for us to serve God better. "The practice of stewardship is important for the mission of the Church and for the spiritual well-being of each individual Christian. Everyone benefits from the sacrificial gift one makes of his time, talent and treasure." -Pope Benedict XVI

At our Parish and Mission (Onset), there are different ministries that help serve our community and His Church. No matter how big or small your contribution, our parish is not the same without you. When we serve together, we not only form friendships with one another, but we also deepen our relationship with God. So, I ask each of you to search your hearts for the time, treasure or talent that God has given to you. In gratitude for these gifts, I appeal to you to join a ministry where you can be of service to our church community. You are welcome to consider volunteering for more than one of the groups listed below. Then we at St. Margaret’s will give Glory to God as we use our time, treasure or talent in our journey of faith. (Click HERE to help consider more about sharing your time and talents.)

Thank you,
Fr. George C

Want to grow as a disciple?
Take one of the STEPS

Service to others-share our talents with others.
Tithing-sacrificial giving to the church and the poor
Engage in a small Groups
Prayer & sacraments- adoration, Confession, daily prayer
Share Faith with others-invite others!


Family of Faith 2024-2025

Registration for Faith Formation classes has begun. Forms can be found in the back of the churches, at our Parish Office or on our website, click HERE.

Our next Mass and gathering will be January 5th at 11:00AM. Our current class schedule is posted HERE.


My Brother’s Keeper is a Christian non-profit that delivers Christmas to families in need. Their mission is: “To Bring the Love and Hope of Jesus Christ to those we serve.” Please consider donating to the Faith Formation Community Project to support My Brothers Keeper Christmas Program. They need, socks, gloves, mittens, hats, scarves, pajama sets, bathrobes, sheets, towels & toiletries or gift cards. All donations must be new. Bins will be at the back of St. Margaret Church on both sides to collect donations. Students will participate in sorting and organizing donations. All will be invited to visit My Brother’s Keeper to make the donation and learn more about the spirit of volunteerism!
For more information:
If interested in volunteering, please call 508-238-2562. If you are in need of support, please call 508-238-4416.

Prayers and Memorials

Starting Monday, December 2nd, Weekday Mass begins at 8:30AM and Rosary will be at 08:10AM at St. Margaret Church.

† ROSARY at St. Margaret's Church

→ (Monday - Friday) at 08:10 AM
before the 08:30 AM Mass

→ (Sunday) at 7:00 AM
before the 7:30AM Mass


Rosary - WPLM Radio 99.1 FM
Daily broadcast at 5AM

Marguerite Burnes
Marie Mazzarelli
Madelyn Alexander
Lenny Fontes
Dorothy LeBlanc
Oscar Huerta
Maura Hathaway
Sandy Guerra
Joan Behan
Jennifer Rose
Elaine Fabrizio
Selah Mei Tierney
Hailey Manduca
Dennis Decker


If you would like to have someone listed on our Parish Prayer List, please contact the office to add your loved one's name. Be sure to request the name(s) you would like listed with the correct spelling.

Joanne E. Doucette
Joseph Sheehy
Jane A. Gelson
William Gorczyca
William Gosselin
Rosemary Makara

The Mass Book for 2025 is now available. Please call the Parish office to schedule Masses and memorials for the year. Hymnals are also available for dedication. If you would like to book a Mass in memory of a loved one, birthdays, anniversaries or for any other intentions please call the rectory at (508) 759-7777. The suggested stipend for a Mass is $10.00 weekdays, $20.00 for Sundays.


We are in need of Altar Servers to assist at Mass. Anyone who has received their First Communion is able to serve. Please consider becoming a part of this beautiful ministry serving God in a special way. Please contact the office for more information. (508) 759-7777

The Parish is in need of Lectors throughout the Liturgical year. If you are interested in being a part this ministry, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you

ATTENTION EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ..... Please feel free to assist at Mass when there is a shortage of Eucharistic Ministers for that Mass. We truly appreciate your dedication to this ministry. God bless you and thank you.

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For the Week of December 15th Sanctuary Lamp at St. Margaret's Church will be For David Alexander

For the Week of December 22nd the Sanctuary Lamp at St. Margaret's Church will be For Barbara & Vincent Fitzpatrick

For the Week of December 15th and December 22nd the Sanctuary Lamp at St. Mary's Church will be For Our Parishioners


For the Week of December 15th, the Offertory Wine/Altar Bread at St. Margaret's and St. Mary's will be For David Alexander

For the Week of December 22nd, the Offertory Wine/Altar Bread at St. Margaret's and St. Mary's will be For Our Parishioners


The Memorials available are: Sanctuary Lamp, Offertory Wine and Altar Bread. Cost is $25 per item per week, except for the Sanctuary Lamp ($15 per week).

If you would like to have a Memorial devoted to a loved one for the week, please call the Office and we will be glad to assist you in this special remembrance.

Parishioners and Support

Proceeds to the Parish $5,497.26

We are currently in the process of updating our parish records. If you are not registered with the parish and would like to be, registration forms can be found in the back of our churches or you may contact the Parish Office.

The Weekend of December 21st and December 22nd is for "Assessment". Please give what you can. Thank you and God bless you.

Thrift Shop Volunteers Needed!
If you are able to donate any time please call the office. 3-hour shifts.
Thank you!
Regular Monthly Meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday - 7PM in the Parish Hall. __________________________

The next Knights' Breakfast will be held on Sunday, January 19th, 2025 in the Parish Hall following the 7:30 and 9:00AM Masses.

SVdP SHOP urgently
needs Non-Perishables
Please note that the SVdP THRIFT STORE IS NOW OPEN!! The store is in urgent need of Non-Perishables such as Canned Vegetables, Pasta, etc. of non-perishable food items to stock its food pantry. Donations can be brought to their thrift shop at 5 Armory Rd Buzzards Bay or in the bins located at the doors to the church. Any help that you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thank You. The SVdP Store also needs volunteers to organize dishware, knickknacks and toys for children or just be there to help customers. When you can, please stop by the thrift store and take a look! The SVdP Thrift Store is located at the K of C Hall on 5 Armory Rd. in Buzzards Bay. For more info, please visit our Ministries Page.
with the Blessed Mother
In the past Mary V. Rose and her brother would bring a statue of the Blessed Mother to homes throughout the area for prayer. This ministry has begun again with a smaller lightweight statue. If you or someone you know would like to receive the statue for a week, please contact Marian Rose at 508-295-8614. Forms will also be located at the entrances to both churches.
Women's Bible Study
Most of us live as if our hearts aren’t a priority. We tend to put other people’s hearts before our own, believing that’s what a good woman is supposed to do. But guess what? We matter to God. Join us Mondays 6-8PM in the Parish Center. For more information please email: [email protected]
at St. Mary's & for all in the Parish
St. Margaret Parish is now offering the opportunity for parishioners to learn how to make Mission Cord Rosaries. Beginners’ kits are free for those who want to come to St. Mary’s Church at 10:00 AM on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month. Marian Rose will teach you how to make the rosaries and give you information on how to order additional kits and where to send the Rosaries once they are completed. Completing a handmade Rosary is like giving the Blessed Mother a beautiful Rose.
Please remember
St. Margaret's - St. Mary's
in your estate plan.
Have You Considered

For more information, please contact our Parish Cursillo Ambassador: Maureen O'Rourke King at: [email protected] or call 774-313-8734. It may be the best gift you give yourself!


When we have a significant amount of snow or ice on the roads and sidewalks, we share community weather situations that need to be addressed. When Bourne public schools and town offices are closed on a weekday on account of a weather situation, our Churches and Parish Office will also be closed. We want to keep our parishioners safe. Your safety is most important to us! When you are not comfortable going outside because of a significant weather situation, please use your better judgment and stay at home!!


A huge thank you to all who have contributed to the success of our shop which benefits our parish in many ways. However, with success comes challenges and once again we are seeking volunteers. Please consider helping even if it is
for a couple of hours each week or every other week. Specifically, we need assistance on Fridays and Saturdays, but any day Tuesday through Saturday would be welcome! Also, anyone with online selling experience would be greatly welcomed. Please stop by the shop if you would like to help out or call Cheryl Legace (774) 291-2098.


We are starting a new ministry here at our parish to assist moms who need help obtaining essential baby items such as diapers, wipes, etc. If you would like to donate items to this ministry, please contact Lisa Tully at [email protected] - Thank you


The parish has started a ministry program to help those who are alone, lonely, or in need. If you are interested in assisting or know of someone that may benefit from this ministry, please contact Anne Silvia at [email protected]

Spiritual Commitment Cards

Our Parish has many volunteer opportunities. Please take a card at the back of the church and consider practicing your stewardship through donating both your time and talents.


Liturgical & Saints Days

December, 2024
(Click the Calendar then Select a Date)


Fall River
Diocesan Calendar

December, 2024
(Click BELOW to view
the most recent Calendar
then Select an Event)

Jubilee 2025
You’re Invited to Open the Jubilee Year with Bishop da Cunha On Sunday, December 29, in union with bishops throughout the world, Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., will celebrate a special Mass to open the local diocesan observance of the Jubilee Year 2025 in the Catholic Church.
The Mass will take place at 3 p.m. in St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fall River, and the faithful from the Diocese of Fall River are invited and encouraged to take part.

Read More

Feeling Anxious or Sad?

The Mental Health Ministry of Catholic Charities Diocese of Fall River in partnership with Hope Catholic Charities, USA, offers a FREE chat service that provides encouragement and strategies on how to manage every day stress and anxiety using CHATBOT TECHNOLOGY:  Simply text “Hi” to Hope at 1-202-949-7249 to get instant support; or for Facebook users,, Start Code: CCFR.

For more information about Hope or the Mental Health Ministry, contact Jack Weldon, ([email protected]) or Rose Mary Saraiva ([email protected]) or call 508-674-4681.

Visit our Mental Health Ministry page at

Please visit the Diocesan Safe Environment page for more information:

“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these". Mark 10:14

Visit the Diocese of Fall River website: HERE

1. Living on Hope Series – Pro-Life Advocacy Workshop – Session 1 – Saturday, January 11th at Corpus Christi Parish Hall in East Sandwich
2. Save the Date – Saturday, May 17th, for the Second Annual Local Diocesan Walk for Life to take place at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in Attleboro
3. Plan for January – The National March for Life on Friday, January 24th
4. Worldwide Marriage Encounter, January 24-26, at the Holy Cross Retreat Center in North Easton
5. Second Annual Divorced and Separated Healing Mass, Sunday, January 26th, at St. Mary’s Cathedral. Fall River

Parish Office Hours

The Parish Office is now OPEN TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY FROM 9AM TO 1PM. On MONDAY & FRIDAY, a pre-scheduled APPOINTMENT is required.
Our telephone number is